Contact us

0242 756 237, 0242 756 238
0772 977 747, 0774 460 748

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri : 0900hrs - 1600hrs
Closed on: Weekends & Public Holidays'


9th Floor ZB House Corner Speke & 1st Street, Harare

Admission Criteria

In order to access the CBS Library, you need to complete the Library Registration Form. You are required to bring a receipt for the payment of your tuition fee and your CBS I.D. If you have not completed this form, ask for one from the librarian and complete it. On completion of this form, you will be issued with at least four user pockets.

After registering with the library, you become a registered CBS library user. You are now entitled to access and use the library resources in any of the CBS Network of Libraries. You must never give your library pockets to another person unless you have sought certified authorization for that person to borrow materials on your behalf. You may be suspended from using the library for giving your pockets to another person.

Important Note: Please bring your identity documents (IDs) when visiting the library. CBS has instituted this ruling for security reasons.


The categories of users entitled to access facilities and information resources with the library include:-

  • Members of the CBS directorate, staff and teaching members
  • Students, staff and researchers from other Universities and Colleges as approved subscribed readers. NB Approved Readers pay an access fee. The access fees are categorised per day/month. Consult the Librarian for these fees.

Library Operating Hours

The following are the expected opening times for the Library in the CBS Library and Information Service system.

Opening Times

  • Monday –  Friday      0900 hrs – 1600 hrs.
  • Closed on: Weekends & Public Holidays